Quick Facts
- Real Name: Amélise
- Age: 21 years old
- Profession: Tourist, YouTuber
- Known as: Ame, Ame in a van
- Net Worth: $250K
- Nationality: United Kingdom
- Dating: Single
Introduction to Ame
Amelise, known as a van girl, traveled full-time around Europe in jungles, parks, tourist attractions, shopping areas, and mountains. She enjoys her life but it did not start as easy. She did a lot of research before executing her mission, as it started when she lost a loved one and felt emptiness and boredom by which she got the idea to make her own van and start a journey. She records videos and shares them with her fans on YouTube to be a part of her solo journey. She has the company of her dog Gigi.
These days, she is traveling across Italy and sharing her journey on her YouTube channel. Ame has shared a vlog about her 1000th day in a van life as a solo female as well as repairing her fan and showering.
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Contact for Enquiries
- Email Address: ame@intriguemanagement.com
- Website: ameinavan.com
- Phone Number / Whatsapp Number: Access for collaboration
Connect to Ame
- YouTube: @ameinavan
- Instagram: ameinavan
Audience Research
- Age Range: Mostly between 18-35 years old.
- Gender: Female around 65%, with the remaining 35% male audience.
- Location: United States, Canada, and the UK, with a growing audience in Europe and Australia.
User Interest:
Why do you like this celebrity?
- Van Life and Travel: Van life culture, interested in nomadic living and travel adventures.
- DIY and Home Renovation: The audience is keen on DIY van conversions.
- Sustainable Living: Viewers are interested in eco-friendly practices.
Option Users Choose:
- Dialed a phone number: 30.09% (65 votes)
- Sent text message on number: 36.57% (79 votes)
- Sent a message on social media account: 17.13% (37 votes)
- Wrote an email: 16.2% (35 votes)