KarinaTryOnHaul – Age, Net Worth, Contact for Business, YouTube Stats & Analysis

  • Name: Karina
  • Famous as: “KarinaTryOnHaul” and “Karina’s Fashion Tips”
  • Profession: YouTuber, Internet Celebrity
  • Age: 21 years old
  • Net Worth: Estimated 700K dollars (Citation: YouTube Monetization earnings and promotions)
  • Active Since: February 2024

Karina became an internet sensation in 2024 by sharing fashion and Try On Haul content on her YouTube channel. Passionate about fashion, she eagerly updates her fans with new videos. She has uploaded dozens of highly appreciated videos, and her subscriber count has significantly grown in the last two months, surpassing 100K this month.

Most of her videos are related to the latest fashion journey and inspirations, lifestyle, Outfit testing, dressing sense, shopping haul, Try on Haul, and trying PR packages.

YouTuber Karina Try On Haul
Karina Try On Haul

Contact for Business Purposes

Official Email Address: info@karinasfashiontips.com
Whatsapp Number & Karina Phone Number: Member Login
Official YouTube Channel: @KarinaTryOnHaul
Web: karinasfashiontips.com

YouTube Stats and Analysis

  • Total Number of Subscribers: 100K
  • Total Views so far: 10M
  • Videos uploaded: 21+
  • Join: 26/02/2024
  • Demographics: Most of the subscribers and viewers are young age range (16 – 32 years old), whereas 60% of users are returning users.
  • User Interest: Viewers are mostly interested in her YouTube videos which are related to Try On Haul and Fashion Stuff. However, her videos are highly attractive to users and the CTR rate is much higher approximately 10%.
  • Recommended to Brands: Highly recommended to the clothing and outfit brands. PR packages are also recommended.

Citation: A deep analysis to her social media folowers and YouTubecontent and subscribers.

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Rebecca James
Rebecca James

Rebecca James is a professional journalist, author, and script writer. She covers brand marketing, influencer collaborations, and media trends. Outside of writing, Rebecca crafts scripts for films and explores digital media.

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