Victoria Pearce – Age, Channels Analysis, Contact for Inquiries

Victoria Pearce Real Image

Quick Info

  • Real Name: Victoria Pearce
  • Age: 18 years old
  • Occupation: Model, Influencer
  • Net Worth: $1 million
  • Nationality: American

Introduction to Victoria Pearce

Victoria has a very interesting taste in dressing sense and that thing hit her audience and they storm her subscribe button on both channels resulting in gaining over hundreds of thousands of subscribers on each channel.

However, she shares her different costumes, Get ready with her series, clothing experiments, try ons, and much more. She started working on YouTube as a full time model and influencer in June 2024 and within a month she went viral and talk of town just because of her hitting hard videos.

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Contact Info for different Inquiries

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Channels & Audience Analysis

  • YouTube Channels: She has two active YouTube channels @Victoria_Pearce and @VictoriaPearce2. These channels were created in June 2024 and amassed over 100K subscribers on each. She shares similar content on both channels but her secondary channel is her backup channel.
  • Demographics: Her audience is moslty composed of young adults, aged 18-35, with a fairly balanced mix of genders.
  • User Interests: Her subscribers are highly interested in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle content. They enjoy her “Get Ready With Me” series, try-ons, and clothing experiments.
  • Recommendations to Brands: Fashion and beauty brands, especially those focusing on trendy and experimental styles, would benefit greatly from collaborating or promoting brands.


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Emma Chamberlain won the Streamy Award for Breakout Creator after only a year on YouTube.
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